
My name is Tim Kong.
This blog is a mixture of thoughts, comments and perspectives on those things that interest me. That could be anything from politics, sports, education, technology, and cultural musings.
My thoughts are mine.
As Stewart Brand said many moons ago, 'You Own Your Own Words' - which I take to mean, these words are my right and my responsibility.
Feel free to hold me to them.
I was on Twitter for over a decade, however I left that platform in June of 2020. I'm still on Instagram publicly.
I grew up in Southeast Asia, the son of missionary parents who worked in Thailand. I attended boarding schools in Malaysia and the Philippines, and after returning to New Zealand in the early 1990's I earned a political science degree at the University of Canterbury.
I took all of that experience and went to work in the world of corportate audio-visual production, firstly in New Zealand and then in late 1998, the UK. I ended up being a video roadie for these brothers, these gentlemen, and for the briefest of times, this guy. I also got paid by these costumed gents and had my ears damaged by these two.
After getting married in 2003, I returned with my partner to Wellington, and in 2004, trained to be a primary teacher at the Wellington College of Education.
My teaching career started at Avalon Intermediate in 2005. I taught there for 3 years, before moving to Seatoun School.
In January 2015 I moved to work as Training Lead at the Network for Learning - where I helped to translate the really complex technical tools and services that make up the Managed Network into stories and content that make sense to teachers and leaders in schools.
In June of 2016, I returned to the school sector, taking up the role of Deputy Principal at Thorndon School.
In July of 2018, I resigned from my Deputy Principal role, and chose to move on from working in public education formally, with the aim of spending time with my family, cooking dinners, and exploring opportunities.
In November of 2018, I joined the Service Innovation Lab, where I had a role as a facilitator, helping multiple government agencies to consider and explore collaborative ways of serving the needs of the public.
In January of 2020, I became the Programme Manager for the Pacific Virtual Museum pilot, a two year project to co-design and develop a single point of access that will allow people in and of the Pacific to find and explore items of Pacific cultural heritage.